
>> How to learn to think

In the 20th century, when technology changed our world, We can use technology for entertainment, education, communication, and other uses for free. Were the creators to think that the impossible things would still be impossible, we wouldn’t have the innovation that changed the world, and many people haven’t had the opportunity to study the interesting things. It is important that we learn to think about everything, even if it is possible or not.

> Design Thinking

Design thinking is a recursive procedure that is used to recognize users, challenge suppositions, reconsider problems, build an innovative solution, prototype it, and evaluate it. Design thinking requires using the user's needs to find the solution and modify it to make most people's problems be fixed. It has 5 steps of design thinking.

> Empathize

The first step of design thinking to fix the user's problem is to observe and ask the user questions. It enables us to establish the suppositions.

> Define

In this step, you take the information gathered during the empathize phase and use it to clearly define the problem or opportunity that needs to be addressed.

> Ideal

This step involves coming up with a wide range of potential solutions to the problem or opportunity identified in the define phase. It's important to generate as many ideas as possible, without judgment, to allow for creative thinking and exploration of different possibilities.

> Prototype

In this step, you take the ideas generated in the ideate phase and create physical or digital prototypes to test and get feedback on. These prototypes should be low-fidelity, meaning they don't need to be fully developed or polished, but should be functional enough to test with users.

> Testing

This step involves getting feedback on the prototypes created in the prototype phase by testing them with users or customers. This allows you to refine and improve the design based on real-world feedback and usage.


>> Reference